MOST TRUSTED Hair Transplant Clinic in Lucknow.

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Frequently asked Questions FAQ's

  • There is decrease in self-esteem / confidence. आत्मसम्मान/आत्मविश्वास में कमी होती है.
  • Person looks 10 yrs older. व्यक्ति 10 साल बड़ा लगता है.
  • Difficulty in appearance for job interviews and getting married. नौकरी के लिए इंटरव्यू देने और शादी करने में कठिनाई.

Hair transplant is a almost / nearly solution to baldness , a latest technique , cosmetic procedure , whereby we take a person’s own hair root from the back of the head and transfer to the front in the area of baldness, it grows just like any other natural hairs , every month they will grow, you can have a subsequent hair cut , can apply oil , comb , shampoo, color ,dye , style to your choice ,keep rough & tough , they stay for rest of your life (transplanted hair life) and not a person physical body life. and never fall , even if you clean shave them ,they will re-grow again.
Hair Transplant is a One day procedure, done under local anaesthesia, where a team of 6-8 members operate for 6-8 hour transplanting one by one hair roots from the back of scalp to the front. Throughout the procedure the client remain fully awake, talks comfortably to the doctor , listen music inside Ot ,and have a tea & lunch break in between process , and at the end of procedure ,he walks down comfortably to his home. There is no hospitalization, No dietary restriction, he takes a sound sleep at night, without pain, from the next day morning he can resume his normal work /office , there is no bed rest required.

हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट गंजेपन का लगभग / लगभग समाधान है, एक नवीनतम तकनीक, कॉस्मेटिक प्रक्रिया, जिसके द्वारा हम किसी व्यक्ति के बालों की जड़ को सिर के पीछे से लेते हैं और गंजेपन के क्षेत्र में सामने स्थानांतरित करते हैं, यह किसी अन्य प्राकृतिक की तरह ही बढ़ता है बाल, हर महीने वे बढ़ेंगे, आप बाद में बाल कटवा सकते हैं, तेल, कंघी, शैम्पू, रंग, डाई, अपनी पसंद के अनुसार स्टाइल लगा सकते हैं, रूखे और सख्त रखें, वे आपके बाकी जीवन के लिए बने रहते हैं (प्रत्यारोपित बाल जीवन) और एक व्यक्ति भौतिक शरीर जीवन नहीं। और कभी गिरे नहीं, भले ही आप उन्हें क्लीन शेव कर लें, वे फिर से बढ़ जाएंगे।

हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट एक दिन की प्रक्रिया है, जो लोकल एनेस्थीसिया के तहत की जाती है, जहां 6-8 सदस्यों की एक टीम 6-8 घंटे के लिए स्कैल्प के पीछे से लेकर सामने तक बालों की जड़ों को एक-एक करके ट्रांसप्लांट करती है। प्रक्रिया के दौरान ग्राहक पूरी तरह से जागता रहता है, डॉक्टर से आराम से बात करता है, ओटी के अंदर संगीत सुनता है, और प्रक्रिया के बीच में चाय और लंच ब्रेक लेता है, और प्रक्रिया के अंत में, वह आराम से अपने घर चला जाता है। कोई अस्पताल में भर्ती नहीं है, कोई आहार प्रतिबंध नहीं है, वह रात में गहरी नींद लेता है, बिना दर्द के, अगले दिन सुबह से वह अपना सामान्य काम / कार्यालय फिर से शुरू कर सकता है, बिस्तर पर आराम करने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है

Hair transplant is a minor OPD procedure done under local anaesthesia. In 98% of the cases usually no side effect occurs, in less than 5% cases (usually diabetics) a few side effects may occur as follows:

हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट एक मामूली ओपीडी प्रक्रिया है जिसे लोकल एनेस्थीसिया देकर किया जाता है। 98% मामलों में आमतौर पर कोई साइड इफेक्ट नहीं होता है, 5% से कम मामलों में (आमतौर पर मधुमेह रोगी) कुछ साइड इफेक्ट इस प्रकार हो सकते हैं: –


Infection (Follicilitis) – Inflamation of the hair follicles in recipient and donor area which may manifest in the form of small rashes , pustules , single or multiple accompanied with redness & itching usually in first 4-6 weeks of surgery .These are not harmful and are treated by oral and topical anti biotic & anti septic shampoo betadine surgical scrub by which they get subsided within 3-5 days .

संक्रमण (फॉलिसिलिटिस) – प्राप्तकर्ता और दाता क्षेत्र में बालों के रोम की सूजन जो छोटे चकत्ते, फुंसी, एकल या एकाधिक के रूप में प्रकट हो सकती है, आमतौर पर सर्जरी के पहले 4-6 सप्ताह में लाली और खुजली के साथ। ये हानिकारक नहीं हैं और मौखिक और सामयिक एंटी बायोटिक और एंटी सेप्टिक शैम्पू बीटाडीन सर्जिकल स्क्रब द्वारा इलाज किया जाता है जिसके द्वारा वे 3-5 दिनों के भीतर कम हो जाते हैं।


Swelling Forehead and face -: Its not a side effect ,but a sequel of surgery . A mild swelling may occur which usually get subsided within 5-7 days.

माथे और चेहरे में सूजन -: यह कोई साइड इफेक्ट नहीं है, बल्कि सर्जरी की अगली कड़ी है। हल्की सूजन हो सकती है जो आमतौर पर 5-7 दिनों के भीतर कम हो जाती है।


Numbness or loss of sensation in donor or recipient area (less than 5% cases) which usually subsidized within 2-3 months of hair transplant. This is due to unavoidable transaction of superficial nerve fibres. Coconut oil massage for 10 minutes BD for 2-3 months in the donor area is advised which leads to recovery of sensation within 2-3 months.

दाता या प्राप्तकर्ता क्षेत्र में सुन्नता या सनसनी का नुकसान (5% से कम मामलों में) जो आमतौर पर बाल प्रत्यारोपण के 2-3 महीनों के भीतर सब्सिडी देता है। यह सतही तंत्रिका तंतुओं के अपरिहार्य लेन-देन के कारण है। दाता क्षेत्र में 2-3 महीने के लिए 10 मिनट के लिए नारियल के तेल की मालिश की सलाह दी जाती है, जिससे 2-3 महीने के भीतर सनसनी ठीक हो जाती है।

Dryness & itching in the recipient area -: Its a good sign of wound healing occurs in 10- 5 cases in the first 2-3 weeks of transplant , application of natural pure aloevera gel is beneficial .

प्राप्तकर्ता क्षेत्र में सूखापन और खुजली -: प्रत्यारोपण के पहले 2-3 सप्ताह में 10-5 मामलों में घाव भरने का एक अच्छा संकेत होता है, प्राकृतिक शुद्ध एलोवेरा जेल का उपयोग फायदेमंद होता है।

Check Latest Genuine Google Reviews Of Diva Clinic & Dr Vivek Saxena Lucknow

Ankit Rai
Ankit Rai
4.7 Satrs from 227+ Google reviews
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Sharing my personel experience I am greatly thankful to Dr. Vivek Kumar Saxena and the whole team of DIVA Clinic. I went to Dr. Vivek Kumar Saxena on recommendation of SGPGI doctors for hair transplant since he is considered the best for the hair transplant job. Dr. Vivek Kumar Saxena has 15+ years of experience of hair transplant surgery. We started with 1.5 hrs of consultation session. He is really good in explaining each and every thing about the surgery. I bet you wont have a single question after he ends his explanation session 😂. Then we started with the surgery. Surgery was really smooth, no problems at all. I got home cooked, great tasting healthy food, cooked by Dr. Vivek's mother. I was given tea breaks in between surgery whenever i wanted to have a sip. After the sirgery we were served delicious Gulaab jamun and Crispy samosa and coffee. Ghen Dr.Vivek explained for 30 mins about takingcare of transplanted hair. MOST IMPORTANT FACT: The behaviour of the staff of DIVA Clinic remained hospitable before/after taking the money. Before considering any other cheaper option, i would like to highlight that Dr Vivek Kumar Saxena is a Plastic Surgeon with 15+ years of experience in Hair Transplant Surgery. He executes surgery by his own hands. And now you are smart enough to decide. All the best ! 👍😊
4.7 Satrs from 227+ Google reviews
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I came to Diva clinic for a second setting of hair transplant by Dr. Vivek Saxena in July 2021. He planned a session of total 3000 grafts by a combination of scalp and beard hair. But during surgery with his surgical expertise, he was able to take out all the 3000 grafts from scalp only without taking out any hair from beard donor area. Also he implanted 200 grafts more than what was committed prior the procedure. At the end of the surgery, Dr. Vivek showed me recipient zone in a mirror and I found that the whole area which was marked pre-operation has been covered with good density and to my utmost surprise he returned me back 42000 rs. in cash saying that "this is the amount we are refunding back since we have spared the beard area". I was highly surprised, motivated and inspired by honesty, ethics, moral values and integrity of Dr. Vivek Saxena. I was operated for 1st session of hair transplant by 3000 FUE 3 years back in 2018 with highly satisfactory results. Lastly I felt highly fortunate to get associated with such a kind, noble and honest gentleman. Many thanks to him and his entire team for their sincere and kind efforts.
4.7 Satrs from 227+ Google reviews
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Diva Clinic, Lucknow is no doubt the best hair transplant clinic among other hair transplant clinics in Uttar Pradesh and even in the north central region of India. I am writing this review as per my personal experience with this clinic. Dr. Vivek Saxena is pioneer in his field after a lot of research and offline visits I've decided to get my hair transplant done from here and indeed I was not disappointed at any stage. The experience and precision of surgery of Dr. Vivek Saxena is excellent as I never felt any difficulty in my 28 hours surgery in two consecutive days for 6000 graft implants. The out of the box things you can expect from here is the calm instrumental music playing during surgery hours is very relaxing, the polite and comforting behavior of the staff, very clean and hygienic O.T. and the food is home made and prepared by none other but by the beloved mother of Dr. Vivek Saxena and this is that you can never expect in today's culture. Now to the main part, after surgery the result was visible within a week hairline constructed was with a natural appearance and the scars of the donor area were not even visible after two weeks. Overall the most you can expect is generally delivered by Dr. Vivek Saxena and his hard working team. This is my personal experience as per I felt. If you are looking forward for a hair transplant on any related issue this is one of the best place to consider.
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